Special solution - temperature control in food research


Customer requirement:

The JULABO customer requires a temperature control system for quality assurance and product innovation in the food & beverage range. The aim is not to cool the food directly, but to temper various heat transfer devices (double-jacket tube exchangers, plate heat exchangers, scraper heat exchangers). The customer uses a special water glycol mixture as bath fluid.

JULABO solution:

JULABO uses the control and electronics of the PRESTO highly dynamic temperature control systems as a basis. This was built in a specially manufactured frame including stainless steel cladding. The heating capacity is converted via an electric heater. The cooling capacity is tapped via a heat exchanger installed in the building infrastructure. An integrated pump generates a corresponding circuit for this purpose.

The system offers outstanding temperature stability of +/- 0.05°C, which is of great importance for the consistent quality of the customer's products. With a maximum supply pressure of 5.5 bar and a heating capacity of 4-6 kW, the system is powerful and efficient. It can reach temperatures until +80°C. Stainless steel and food-grade basic materials are used for durability and hygiene. The unit is designed in such a way that simple cleaning is warranted and there are no dead spaces. This reduces the risk of contamination and facilitates service. The system is conveniently operated via a control panel directly on the unit. The system also has an Ethernet connection that enables the transmission of measurement data, which simplifies the documentation and analysis of process data. Stainless steel castors ensure mobility and flexibility when positioning the unit in the production environment. 

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