Consulting & project planning

Whether recirculating cooler, process circulator, or laboratory circulator, we help you find the perfect temperature control solution for your project.

What do I need to consider when choosing the right temperature control instrument? We will introduce you to the world of temperature control technology and give you an initial overview of the basic questions when selecting and determining temperature control systems. Based on your requirements, we can use the expertise of our JULABO specialists to offer you the perfect temperature control solution for your application. 

Which temperature control system is ideal for my application?

What do I need to consider when choosing the right temperature control instrument? We will introduce you to the world of temperature control technology and give you an initial overview of the basic questions when selecting and determining temperature control systems. Based on your requirements, we can use the expertise of our JULABO specialists to offer you the perfect temperature control solution for your application.

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We provide comprehensive and expert advice

Just ask the JULABO temperature control experts! Benefit worldwide from the competence of our experts and contact us early for a personal consultation. Thanks to over 50 years of practical experience, we are confident that we have the right answer to all questions about applications, suitable temperature control technology, and accessories. 

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Tailor-made solutions

The JULABO temperature control experts always have a solution for you! A standard temperature control solution does not work for your application? Would you like to expand existing systems and have specific requirements on the temperature control technology? We can tailor our devices to your application in several ways. Contact our team of experts regarding your problem today. Together with you, we quickly and straightforwardly design a custom solution, which is tailored precisely to the requirements of your application.

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Your contact with us: Request for quotation and callback service

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We are happy to advise you in person. Contact us by phone or request a callback. We will call you back ASAP.

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Phone: +49 7823 51-180

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