
We’ll keep you up to date

More than 50 years of company history full of innovations, with more every day. This area contains reports and stories about JULABO, our products, events, careers and other exciting topics.

With our green limited edition, we bring color into your daily laboratory routine

For a selected campaign period, we are making sustainability visible for the laboratory: on request and at no extra charge, you can order selected models of our new energy-efficient refrigerated circulators as a special green edition until 30 June 2025.

From the Green Edition, you can choose from various CORIO CD, CORIO CP, DYNEO DD and MAGIO MS models. All cooling capacities between 310 watts and 1.25 kW are available.

Meet the Winners of the Reliable by Design Contest!

With the Reliable by Design campaign, JULABO celebrated its core values of innovation, reliability, precision and durability - values that have formed the basis for successful collaboration with our customers for over 50 years. One highlight of the campaign was the Reliable by Design Contest, in which we searched worldwide for the oldest JULABO unit still in use. The response was impressive, and now the winners have been announced!

EU Roadmap Natural Refrigerants

In light of the EU-wide transition to natural refrigerants, we would like to take this opportunity to provide clarity and share the current status with our customers and partners.

In spring 2024, the European Union adopted an updated F-gas regulation. JULABO refrigeration units are classified as "chillers". As of January 1, 2027, these units may only be sold if they utilize environmentally friendly natural refrigerants.

Trade fairs & exhibitions

Chat to our experts and learn more about us at various trade fairs throughout the year and around the globe. We’re looking forward to meeting you in person!

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