MAGIO MS-800F Refrigerated / heating circulator new

with extremely powerful pressure/suction pump and intuitive touch display

As with all circulators from the MAGIO range, the refrigerated circulators stand out thanks to their premium quality, high performance and intuitive operation. The devices offer extra strong pressure and suction pumps, thus fulfilling the highest demands for temperature control of external applications. Whether in basic research, material testing or technical systems – the MAGIO refrigerated circulators offer high-tech solutions for high customer requirements.

With a working temperature range of -40 ... +200 °C°C, the Refrigerated / heating circulator MAGIO MS-800F delivers an outstanding cooling capacity of 0.86 kW at 20 °C despite its compact design.

This cooling machine works with natural, environmentally-friendly refrigerant and was developed with a focus on energy efficiency. This means significant savings on the operating costs for numerous applications, which also means rapid amortization of the procurement cost. At the same time, the lower energy consumption positively contributes to climate protection.

High resolution TFT touch display

The modern TFT touch display gives you all the important information at a glance. Three large, predefined main screens clearly display data and graphics with various application priorities. Menu navigation is self-explanatory, arranged by relevance to daily operations and easy to operate with the touch of a finger. The in-built help function provides detailed support in case of additional questions.

Performance data depends on the mains voltage in the country of use. Please select:

Country of use | Mains voltage | Plug | JULABO voltage version code
Order number including voltage version 9032715.N1.33
Working temperature range -40 ... +200 °C
Temperature stability ±0.01 °C
Heating capacity 2 kW
Pump capacity flow pressure 16 ... 31 l/min
Pump capacity pressure 0.24 ... 0.92 bar
Usable bath opening
(W x L / D)
18 x 13 / 15 cm
Filling volume 5 ... 7.5 l
Total dimensions
(W × L × H)
33 x 47 x 70 cm

Product Features

  • Ideal for demanding external applications
  • Simple control of complex applications
  • Continuously adjustable, extremely powerful pressure / suction pump
  • Flow rate 16 ... 31 l / min, pressure 0.24 ... 0.92 bar, suction 0.03 ... 0.4 bar
  • Large, high-resolution TFT touch display with multilingual user interface
  • Parts being in contact with the medium made of stainless steel
  • Integrated programmer
  • Integrated external Pt100 connection
  • USB connection
  • RS232 interface for online communication
  • Ethernet
  • analog interfaces (accessory)
  • Class III (FL) according to DIN 12876-1
  • Connections for solenoid valve
  • Modbus TCP/IP
  • Integrated pump connection M16×1


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Technical data for MAGIO MS-800F

Dimensions and volumes
Total dimensions
(W × L × H)
33 x 47 x 70 cm
Filling volume 5 ... 7.5 l
Weight 44 kg
Pump connections M16x1 male
Temperature values
Working temperature range -40 ... +200 °C
Temperature stability ±0.01 °C
Setting the resolution of the temperature display 0.01 °C
Temperature display resolution 0.01 °C
Ambient temperature +5 ... +40 °C

Performance data depends on the mains voltage in the country of use. Please select:

Country of use | Mains voltage | Plug | JULABO voltage version code
Performance values
Heating capacity 2 kW
Cooling capacity
Cooling capacity 1 Medium: Ethanol
°C 20 0 -20 -30 -40
kW 1 0.86 0.76 0.41 0.26 0.12
Cooling capacity 2 Medium: Ethanol
°C 20 0 -20 -30 -40
kW 1 0.8 0.7 0.35 0.2 0.06
Refrigerant R1270
Global Warming Potential 2
Filling weight 85 g
Carbon dioxide equivalent 0.00017 t

1 Performance specifications measured in accordance with DIN 12876. Cooling capacities up to 20 °C measured with ethanol; over 20 °C with thermal oil unless otherwise specified. Performance specifications apply at an ambient temperature of 20 °C. Performance values may differ with other bath fluids.
Cooling capacity 1 = capacity at minimum pump level, cooling capacity 2 = capacity at maximum pump level

Pump capacity flow pressure 16 ... 31 l/min
Pump capacity pressure 0.24 ... 0.92 bar
Maximum suction -0.03 ... -0.4 bar
Viscosity max. 70 cSt
Power consumption 11 A
Bath tank Stainless steel
Bath cover integrated
Usable bath opening
(W x L / D)
18 x 13 / 15 cm
Cooling of compressor 1-stage Air
according to DIN12876-1
Classification III (FL)
IP Code
according to IEC 60529
IP 20
Pump function Pressure Suction Pump
Pump type Immersion Pump
User Interface Language Chinese / Czech / Dutch / English / French / German / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Polish / Portuguese / Russian / Spanish / Turkish
Interfaces Ethernet / Modbus TCP/IP / RS232 / RS485 / Stakei / USB
External pt100 sensor connection integrated
Integrated programmer 8x60 steps
Temperature control ICC
Absolute temperature calibration 10 Point Calibration
Temperature display 7" TFT Touchscreen
Temperature setting Touchscreen
Electronic Timer
00:00 ... 99:59
Available voltage versions
9032715.N1.22 100-115V/50-60Hz (Nema N5-20 Plug) (R1270)
9032715.N1.05 200-230V/50-60Hz (CH Plug Type SEV 1011) (R1270)
9032715.N1.04 200-230V/50-60Hz (UK Plug Type BS1363A) (R1270)
9032715.N1.33 200-230V/50-60Hz (Schuko Plug - CEE 7/4 Plug Type F) (R1270)
9032715.N1.33.chn 200-230V/50-60Hz (CN Plug) (R1270)
Included in delivery
2 Barbed fittings for tubing 8 and 12 mm ID. (Pump connections M16x1 male)
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Pump capacity

Medium: Water

Heat-up time

Medium: Thermal

Cool-down time

Medium: Ethanol

Accessory for MAGIO MS-800F

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MAGIO MS-800F Benefits

Intelligent temperature control.

Intelligent cascade control - automatic and self-optimizing adaptation of the PID control parameters with external stability of +/- 0.05 °C.

Many interfaces.

Straight-forward remote control, data management, and integration into process structures. USB, Ethernet, RS232, SD card, and alarm off are permanently integrated. Further interfaces available as accessories.

Touch display. Perfect operation.

With the touch display, the user always has an overview of all values and functions. The intuitive and multilingual menu structure enables perfect control.

Maximum safety.

Classification III according to DIN12876-1 enables safe operation, even with flammable fluids. Automatic switch-off in the event of high temperature or low liquid level.

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