Special solution - Customized water bath

Water bath with very large, insulated bath tank including bath cover


Customer requirement:

The JULABO customer wants a water bath with a lid. The required dimensions are a length of 121 cm, a width of 90 cm and a height of 60 cm. This would be enough space for a EURO pallet plus basic material. In addition, the lid should be closable.

The basic material that needs to be temperature controlled is silicon cores (Si) with adhesive. The water bath should be heated up to 80 degrees Celsius to remove the adhesive. The heating time of the water bath should be around 30 minutes after the basic material has been placed in the water bath. The diameter of the basic material is approx. 30 cm. The rods are of different lengths, the weight at a length of 110 cm is approx. 200 kg.

JULABO solution:

JULABO manufactured a water bath with an integrated heating coil. In order to protect the heating coil when loading the silicon cores, a support surface was attached above the heating coil.

Insulation is used to protect the water bath against energy loss or contact. An insulated lid with eyelets on the side for attaching chains and a lift-off with a forklift was also made.

An SL12 with booster heater was connected to the heating coil. The temperature is measured or controlled with the help of an external sensor attached to the bath.

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