
JULABO can look back on over 50 years of company history, which stands for success and innovation. Recent decades have seen JULABO constantly evolve and reinvent itself again and again.

Focused on innovation and future

1967: The foundation
JULABO is founded by company owner and Managing Director Gerhard Juchheim.

The 70s and 80s:
Development and expansion.

The first fully electronic laboratory circulator is showcased. JULABO causes a sensation at ACHEMA 1979 with new products, new design and the introduction of LED temperature display. In 1982 measurement and control is done directly in the connected system. Also we present the MULTI-DISPLAY (LED) with warning and safety functions.

The 90s:
Innovation and global expansion.

The microprocessor electronics are introduced in 1992. In 1993 JULABO establishes the subsidiary JULABO USA. In 1994 JULABO is DIN ISO 9001 certified. The temperature control instruments of the “TopTech” series with a new design finally replace analogue technology. In the same year JULABO establishes the subsidiary JULABO JAPAN and two years later JULABO SINGAPORE. 1997 also sees the introduction of the new "HighTech” circulators and temperature controllers.

For the first time microprocessor water baths and shaking water baths with splash water protection are introduced on the market. The "ECONOMY" laboratory circulators with LED display also make the last glass thermometer in the range unnecessary. JULABO is now represented in Great Britain with JULABO UK.

JULABO KOREA is founded. In the same year the new FL series with recirculating coolers as well as the CF series with cryo-compact circulators are introduced.
Markus Juchheim becomes additional managing director at JULABO. JULABO LATIN AMERICA is founded.
JULABO presents itself in neighboring France with JULABO FRANCE.

Paths to the markets of the future

JULABO ITALIA is founded and the new high temperature circulators Forte HT are introduced. In subsequent years JULABO presents the highly dynamic temperature control systems Presto LH, a new laboratory circulator program with three product series, a series with calibration baths as well as series of EH circulators.
Foundation of JULABO CHINA.

JULABO showcases the first models of the new PRESTO generation. These devices set new standards in the area of highly dynamic temperature control systems with their design and the color industrial-grade touch panel.
Markus Juchheim takes over as sole managing director at JULABO GmbH.
To honor the services of Gerhard Juchheim, the town of Seelbach has dedicated a street to his name. JULABO GmbH's new company address with immediate effect is Gerhard-Juchheim-Strasse 1 in 77960 Seelbach.

JULABO celebrates its successful 50th company anniversary with a multi-day event. Managing director Markus Juchheim establishes the JULABO Foundation in the anniversary year. The goal of the foundation is to support non-profit organizations, associations, and institutions in the region around Seelbach. 
JULABO is constantly expanding: sales of more than 50 million and the number of employees rises to over 400 for the first time.
After a 1.5 year construction time the new four-story JULABO administrative building is officially opened. With its new building JULABO is showing the way for the pioneering expansion of the main location at Seelbach.

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