Automotive industry

In the area of research and development in the automotive industry, fast and accurate temperature control is an important part of various tests and test simulations under realistic conditions. To ensure reproducible temperatures, manufacturers and suppliers require premium instruments supporting more than standard applications. The focus is on high-precision control and fast temperature changes, as offered by the high-performance instruments made by JULABO. Our instruments reliably comply with the highest requirements and solve even the most difficult temperature control applications without problems.

Wireless charging systems for passenger cars

After the development phase of wireless charging system for electric cars, extensive validations of this charging equipment are required. The instruments from the JULABO PRESTO series simulate the cooling circuit in the charging equipment and in the vehicle, providing temperature-controlled water-glycol within a short time.

DC/DC converters | DC/DC inverters

Converters and inverters are becoming increasingly important as components for vehicle construction. During development, these components must be tested under realistic conditions and subjected to a wide temperature spectrum. In this phase, the instruments of the JULABO PRESTO series deliver quick temperature changes and simulate the cooling circuits of vehicles or environmental influences.

Life-time tests for batteries

To determine the life-time of batteries, they are subjected to different ambient temperatures in climate chambers. The JULABO PRESTO instruments simulate the cooling circuit and deliver a wide temperature spectrum.

Temperature simulation for batteries

Temperature control of air

For component tests in powertrains under different environmental conditions, not only fluids, but also air must be temperature-controlled. Here, special solutions from the JULABO PRESTO series are used.

Special solutions temperature simulation

Injector test bench

Pumps are essential components of vehicle assemblies. The fluids required in development, stress, and endurance tests of pumps and their electric motors are temperature-controlled using instruments from the JULABO PRESTO series. The temperature control can be realized directly in the instrument or indirectly via plate heat exchangers.

Pump test benches

Pumpen sind wesentliche Bestandteile von Fahrzeugbaugruppen. Bei Entwicklungs-, Stress- und Dauerlauftests von Pumpen und deren Elektromotoren werden die benötigten Flüssigkeiten mit Geräten aus der JULABO PRESTO Reihe temperiert. Die Temperierung kann direkt in dem Gerät oder indirekt über Plattenwärmeübertrager realisiert werden.

Precise temperature simulation with water-glycol for test benches in the automotive industry

Quality and safety tests are a central element of the overall development and production process in the automotive industry. With PRESTO W50, W55 and W56 process circulators, we offer our customers the perfect solution for precise and highly dynamic temperature control of these processes. All devices can be easily used with standard water-glycol mixtures (max. mixing ratio 40:60).

Temperature Simulation Water-Glykol

Airbag tests

The development of vehicle airbags assumes tests using specific burst samples. Instruments from the JULABO PRESTO series are used for the necessary pre-temperature controlling of the explosives.

Test bench for electronics components

Investigation and testing of components for electromobility require a simulation of the temperature control circuit (loop circuit) of vehicles at different temperatures.

Component tests for power modules

JULABO PRESTO instruments provide the loop circuits for the characterization and optimization of thermal power modules.

Material and Component Tests

Case Stories und Anwendungen


PDF 722.38 KiB


Temperature control for dyno testing of integrated starter generator
PDF 3.3 MiB


2019-10-18 User-Report LuK A4 EN
PDF 954.5 KiB

Case Studie

2021-06 User-Report Automotive ProNES EN
PDF 1.57 MiB


PDF 2.08 MiB

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