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Contact presse

Alexander Hundertpfund
Head of Marketing & PR

Phone: +49 7823 51-5016
Contact form

PRESTO W56 – The New Power pack

The W56 power pack offers a cooling capacity of 25.8 kW at 20 °C and, at 27 kW, has the greatest heating capacity among the 1-stage, highly dynamic temperature control systems of the PRESTO series. With a temperature range of -56 °C … +250 °C at temperature stability of down to +- 0.05 °C, the PRESTO W56 convinces with faster cool-down and heat-up times. 

The new CORIO CP

Circulators are an important part of daily work in many laboratories of research institutions and industrial companies worldwide. The JULABO CORIO circulators have been developed with pioneering technologies for these laboratories and are manufactured to the highest quality standards in Germany. With the new CP models, the CORIO family has added powerful heating immersion circulators, refrigerated circulators, and heating circulators.

JULABO customer survey

We appreciate if you take part and help us to further improve. The survey takes only 3 minutes and is anonymous. Thank you!

Vers la comparaison de produits