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Precise temperature simulation with water-glycol for test benches in the automotive industry

Quality and safety tests are a central element of the overall development and production process in the automotive industry. With PRESTO W50, W55 and W56 process circulators, we offer our customers the perfect solution for precise and highly dynamic temperature control of these processes. All devices can be easily used with standard water-glycol mixtures (max. mixing ratio 40:60).

New PRESTO Video

Discover the new generation of highly dynamic temperature control systems from the PRESTO range with this video. Temperature control systems designed to control temperatures with high precision and ensure fast temperature changes. Take advantage of the high cooling and heating performance of the PRESTO units and use them to master all extreme requirements in industry as well as in environmental and ambient simulations in the automotive sector and the aerospace industry. 

Ferias y exposiciones

Visítenos en las diferentes ferias especializadas de todo el mundo a lo largo del año y aproveche para hablar con nuestros expertos. ¡Esperamos su visita!

Ferias y exposiciones

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